Fence Rolling Fun! |
Last night I finally got around to merging the before and after pictures to insert into the
Two Month Before and After Blog so that the merged images appeared side-by-side and in similar size for better comparison. My computer sits on a table next to my recliner and Inge inspects whatever I'm working on. So there I am examining my PhotoShop Elements side-by-side images when she pipes up, "you're obsessed with yourself." (or similar).
Over the years, "you're obsessed with X," has been a common statement from her watching what I do on the computer. I google topics of interest to read and watch videos. So for a while I was "obsessed" with guitars, and I was "obsessed" with motorcycles, and I was "obsessed" with radio controlled gliders, and "obsessed" with owning a Mazda Miata and so on. In every case from her observation point of seeing what's on my monitor, I do go through spells of being obsessed with a topic or object or hobby.
The result of my obsessions, so far, has been that I learn and act on something I want to know about. I flew radio controlled gliders for several years, giving it up because I built large beautiful gliders to which I became emotionally connected to and the pain of crashing them with resulting splintered plane bits left me realizing the pain of plane loss was greater than the joy of flying them. (Occasionally I think of picking remote controlled glider flying up again because flying was great fun, especially when one catches an awesome thermal!)
I learned to ride a motorcycle and bought one and rode it for a few months before I sold it. I learned an important spousal communication lesson there - "Do what you need to do," does not mean "yes". I sold the bike because I value peace with Inge more than I valued riding a motorcycle.
I learned to play guitar and still play. I really want to get a lot better and that's an area where I need to mindfully work on improving my practice habits in order to play better. I don't see myself giving up guitar and music playing any time soon because there's no pain I can think of associated with playing that exceeds the joy I get at making music.
So far one unfulfilled obsession is owning and driving a Mazda Miata. It may happen in the future but I keep putting it off because the cost-benefit analysis of owning a second "toy" vehicle doesn't compute.
So back to my newest "obsession" - getting fit. Unless I injure myself there's nothing but positive outcomes from pursing fitness. My writing about the pursuit serves as a personal goad and journal of progress and allows me to ponder other observations of life. The writing may not be necessary, but I enjoy it and will keep writing until I run out of things to say. Frankly, I'm amazed at two things in this pursuit - 1) I've managed to keep the exercise program up so long, and 2) I haven't run out of things to say in more than two months of writing multiple times per week. I believe the exercise reinforces the writing which reinforces the exercise - so far it's a beneficial feedback loop.
Today - 280 KB Swings, 4 Turkish Get Ups each side and all of them "strong man" style. It won't be long before I graduate from 20 lb dumbbell to 30 lb Kettlebell for the TGUs.