Monday, April 15, 2013

Sugar Craving or even Addiction?

Photo of Rose from our Garden
I couldn't find photo of a sweet treat in my library so I tossed in a rose photo from our garden to represent a sweet. Yesterday, on the way back from Die Gruene Weide, we stopped at Sonic and each got an ice cream treat. For some reason, I seriously craved something sweet all day long. I wonder if the craving was partially a result of the huge amount of calories burned with landscaping work. Or is there a more sinister reason to crave sweets?

During the past four months of calorie reduction, I managed to reduce my sweet intake to one to three items per week, such as a piece of dark chocolate, or a slice of Inge's German cakes. I also avoided eating ice cream - a particularly tempting treat. However, I got to eat a serious dose of sweets including ice cream while the family visited week before last and I wonder if my body now demands a return to heavy sweets - as in a sugar addiction calling for surrender. 

I find that during the week I manage to resist the calling most days, but during weekends, in both sweets and total calories consumed, I tend to weakness and frequent lapses in will. I mentally endure a fight over food every weekend, exacerbated by Inge's baking a delicious dessert almost every weekend. During the best of my weight loss I survived the fight, but of late, the lapses come fast and furious. To break through the plateau, I must once more resolve to limit calories and sweets on the weekend.

Even though I put in a multi-ton-moving workout this weekend, I found I wasn't too sore to prevent a nice long walk with Penny and perform the Monday 16 Session Kettlebell strength training. I am noticing a reduction in the workout stress and will need to make adjustments to the quantity or timing of the workout to keep the training to a high edge. It was nice to discover I wasn't massively sore today - a symptom of having achieved a better level of fitness than I possessed last year. 

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